Tuesday 24 February 2015

Wrestling Cartoon: The Rasslin' Match - 1934

This is the oldest wrestling cartoon I have found so far. Everything I have learned about it comes from Wikipedia, so here is the gist of it: The Rasslin' Match is a 1934 animated short film produced by the Van Beuren Studios and directed by Vernon Stallings and starring Charles J. Correll and Freeman F. Gosden as the voices of their popular radio characters, Amos 'n' Andy.

It even has an IMDB entry, but there's not much more information to be found there, either.

Of course it is racially insensitive with lots of clichés, but it is quite funny in parts and at least shows a black guy as champion decades before Bobo Brazil, Ernie Ladd, JYD, Booker T, The Rock, etc.

Let me know what you think about it!

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