Wednesday 4 March 2015

Wrestling And Comic Strips: Bloom County

Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed is one of my favourite comic strips of all time and while I knew that pro wrestling had been mentioned in one of Opus' first appearances in February 1982,

I was very surprised to find that there was a whole week's worth of stories focusing on pro wrestling in April 1985. April 1985? What did that time period have to do with wrestling? Oh yes, it was immediately after WrestleMania 1, the granddaddy of them all, when Vince McMahon, Jr. finally took wrestling out of the smoke filled rooms and bingo halls and brought it into our living rooms.

Wrestling was hip: 

And, as we all know, wrestling always needs new Superstars, but just who is this masked man?


At least he has a firm grasp on his motivations for becoming a wrestler: 


So who is this mysterious woman that could drive a man to become embroiled in the dirty world of professional wrestling?

I would bet money that Opus is reading "Professional Wrestling Finishing Holds" by "Judo" Gene LeBelle. Really fun book. And so educational! 

The full sequence of strips can be found in "Bloom County: The Complete Library Volume 5".

Highly recommended!

Bloom County is ©Berkeley Breathed.

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